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feedburner برای پرستا شاپ

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این http://feedburner.google.com یک امکانی هست که تقریبا حالت خبرنامه هست و رایگان توسط گوگل هست که بهترین هست و ما چند سالی هست ازش استفاده میکنیم و 3000 یوزر رو براشون ایمیل میکنه بدون هیچ مشکلی و 100 درصد به اینباکس هست.اگر بتونید برای پرستا هم بنویسید عالیه

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اینم کد که برای ورد پرس هست

Plugin Name: FeedBurnerCount
Description: A
well-optimized and reliable plugin that connects to the FeedBurner
Awareness API to retrieve your readers count, that you can print out in
plain text.
Author: Guillermo Rauch
Author URI: http://devthought.com
Plugin URI: http://devthought.com/projects/wordpress/feedburnercount/
Version: 0.1

* FeedBurnerCount
* @author Guillermo Rauch
* @version $Id$
* @copyright Devthought, 21 March, 2009
* @package feedburnercount

class FeedBurnerCount {

* Constructor
* @return void
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function FeedBurnerCount(){
if ($this->isSetup()){
$this->count = get_option('fbc_count');
} else {
$this->count = '';

add_action('activate_feedburnercount.php', array(&$this, 'onActivate'));
add_action('deactivate_feedburnercount.php', array(&$this, 'onDeactivate'));
add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'onMenuConfigure'));

* Called when the plugin is activated
* @return void
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function onActivate(){
$olfb = get_option('feedburner_settings');

add_option('fbc_uri', ($olfb &&
isset($olfb['feedburner_url'])) ?
str_replace('http://feeds.feedburner.com/', '', $olfb['feedburner_url'])
: '');
add_option('fbc_count', '');
add_option('fbc_fallback_text', '');
add_option('fbc_every', '3 hours');
add_option('fbc_last_checked', '');
add_option('fbc_average_timeago', '');

* Called when the plugin is deactivated
* @return void
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function onDeactivate()

* Configures the admin menu
* @return void
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function onMenuConfigure()

add_submenu_page('options-general.php', 'FeedBurner Count',
'FeedBurnerCount', 8, __FILE__, array(&$this, 'administrate'));

* Determines if the plugin is ready to work
* @return boolean $setup
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function isSetup()
return !!get_option('fbc_uri');

* Generates a time in seconds from a string (1 hour => 3600)
* @param string $text
* @return integer $interval
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function toSeconds($text)
if (is_numeric($text)) return $text;
$text = strtotime('+' . ltrim($text, '+-'), 0);
return $text > 0 ? $text : null;

* Returns the arithmetic mean of the array values
* @param string $values
* @return integer $mean
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function arrayMean($values, $round = true)
if (!sizeof($values)) return 0;
$result = array_sum($values) / sizeof($values);
return ($round) ? round($result) : $result;

* Returns the FeedBurner URI to make the request
* @return string $uri
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function getFeedBurnerUri()
$uri = 'https://feedburner.google.com/api/awareness/1.0/GetFeedData?uri=' . urlencode(get_option('fbc_uri'));

if (get_option('fbc_average_timeago'))

$uri .= '&dates=' . urlencode(date('Y-m-d', time() -
$this->toSeconds(get_option('fbc_average_timeago'))) . ',' .

return $uri;

* Checks if it should retrieve now
* @return boolean $check
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function checkRetrieve()
if (!get_option('fbc_every') || !get_option('fbc_last_checked')) return true;
if ((time() - $this->toSeconds(get_option('fbc_every'))) > get_option('fbc_last_checked')) return true;
return false;

* Retrieves the count from FeedBurner with Snoopy
* @return boolean $force Force to retrieve
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function retrieve($force = false)
if ($force || $this->checkRetrieve())
update_option('fbc_last_checked', time());
$count = null;
$response = '';

if (function_exists('wp_remote_get')){
$response = @wp_remote_get($this->getFeedBurnerUri());
$response = (is_array($response) && isset($response['body'])) ? $response['body'] : false;
} else {
$handler = @fopen($this->getFeedBurnerUri(), 'r');
if ($handler){
while (!feof($handler)) $response .= fgets($handler);

if ($response){
preg_match_all('/circulation=\"(\d+)\"/m', $response, $values);
if (!is_array($values) || !isset($values[1]) || !$values[1]) $count = null;
else $count = $this->arrayMean($values[1]);


* Updates the count variable. If the supplied value is not valid and there's a feedback text,
* it's updated to the feedback text. If not, no update takes place, resorting to the last valid value.
* @param string $count
* @param string $update
* @return void
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function setCount($count, $update = true){
$count = (is_numeric($count) && $count > 0) ? $count : null;
if (is_null($count))
$update = !!($count = get_option('fbc_fallback_text'));
if ($update){
$this->count = $count;
update_option('fbc_count', $count);

* Called when user goes to options page
* @return void
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function administrate()
if (isset($_GET['force']) && $_GET['force']) $this->retrieve(true);

$data = array();
$errors = array();

if (isset($_POST['fbc_options'])){
$errors = array();
$data = $_POST['fbc_options'];
$data['fallback_text'] = $_POST['fbc_unavailable'] == 'text' ? $data['fallback_text'] : '';
$data['average_timeago'] = (isset($_POST['fbc_average']) && $_POST['fbc_average']) ? $data['average_timeago'] : '';

if (!$data['uri']) $errors[] = 'The FeedBurner identifier is required';
if (!$this->toSeconds($data['every'])) $errors[] = 'Revise the checking frequency';
if (isset($_POST['fbc_average']) && $_POST['fbc_average'] && !$this->toSeconds($data['average_timeago']))
$errors[] = 'Revise the average calculation date setting';
if (!sizeof($errors)) {
if (!$this->isSetup()) {
update_option('fbc_count', '');
foreach ($data as $key => $value) update_option('fbc_' . $key, $value);


This is the administration page of the
FeedBurnerCount plugin. You can customize
the plugin settings below

To include the
FeedBurner readers count in your templates use <?php
echo fbc_count() ?>

sure the Awareness API is enabled in your
FeedBurner account (in the Publicize settings)

Current data

Count <?php echo htmlentities(fbc_count())
class="button">Update now
Last checked <?php echo get_option('fbc_last_checked') ? date('F j,
Y, g:i:s a', get_option('fbc_last_checked')) : 'Never' ?>
Generated API URI <?php echo $this->getFeedBurnerUri() ?>


<?php if ($errors): ?>

<?php foreach($errors as $error): ?>

<?php echo $error ?>

<?php endforeach ?>

<?php endif ?>

Your FeedBurner feed identifier value="<?php echo isset($data['uri']) ? $data['uri'] :
get_option('fbc_uri') ?>" id="fbc_options_uri">
Check every value="<?php echo isset($data['every']) ? $data['every'] :
get_option('fbc_every') ?>" id="fbc_options_every" />
/>Use a number of seconds or a valid href="http://php.net/strtotime">string (examples:
1 hour, 2
, 4 weeks, not using
words for numbers)
Calculate average <?php if((isset($_POST['fbc_average']) &&
$_POST['fbc_average']) || get_option('fbc_average_timeago')) echo
'checked="checked"'; ?> id="fbc_average"> for="fbc_average_timeago">of the last type="text" name="fbc_options[average_timeago]" value="<?php echo
isset($data['average_timeago']) ? $data['average_timeago'] :
get_option('fbc_average_timeago') ?>" id="fbc_average_timeago"
Use a number of seconds or a valid href="http://php.net/strtotime">string (examples:
15 days, 2
, 4 weeks, not using
words for numbers)
If count is unavailable value="last" id="fbc_unavailable_last" <?php
if((isset($_POST['fbc_unavailable']) &&
$_POST['fbc_unavailable'] == 'last') ||
!get_option('fbc_fallback_text')) echo 'checked="checked"' ?> />
keep the last

name="fbc_unavailable" value="text" id="fbc_unavailable_text" <?php
if((isset($_POST['fbc_unavailable']) &&
$_POST['fbc_unavailable'] == 'text') || get_option('fbc_fallback_text'))
echo 'checked="checked"' ?> /> for="fbc_unavailable_text">use this text:




* FeedBurnerCount instance
* @author Guillermo Rauch
global $FeedBurnerCount;
$FeedBurnerCount = new FeedBurnerCount();

* Handy function to get the count quickly
* @return void
* @author Guillermo Rauch
function fbc_count(){
global $FeedBurnerCount;
return $FeedBurnerCount->count;

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به گفتگو بپیوندید

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